Just Shrink It

Make a link shorter in an instant
for free, no signup required

Or just prepend jshr.it/ to the URL in your address bar

Simple and quick

We have built justshrink.it to be a fast and convenient way of sharing links. You can use it for free, you don't even need to signup.

Use it from your address bar

You can shorten any URL by prepending jshr.it/ in your address bar. Use it on any device for quickly shortening a link.

View cached and archived versions

Visit the Google Cache or Web Archive of your shortened links. If an article you shared goes offline you can still recover it.

iOS Shortcut available

Shortening a link is now even more convenient on mobile. Share a link from your Apple devices with our iOS Shortcut.

Use for free or buy custom links

You can shorten unlimited links within our free plan. You can also reserve custom links for a year with a single (one-off) purchase.


$0 / year

For sharing temporary quick short links

Unlimited shortened links
View link cache and archive
Links may expire after 1 day
Page may show ads

Custom coming soon

$3.99 / year

For creating custom-named permanent links

5 dedicated custom links
Custom link name
Track views on custom links
No ads

No signup required, we only collect the Data strictly necessary for providing this service.

Try it on mobile

Conveniently shorten links with our iOS Shortcut